When A Woman Meets Jesus
"When you are looking for faults to correct, look in the mirror."
I'll always remember hearing the song, "Man In The Mirror," written by the late pop star, Michael Jackson. From the first time I listened to the words, I found the message of the song so appropriate in a world where it has become the "norm" to point your fingers at others and accuse them of all the faults and problems, while at the same time, letting yourself off the hook.
It's easy to look outside ourselves and see what is wrong with everyone else, while we seem oblivious to our own faults. And this is what we find was the reaction that David had when he saw the speck in his brother's eye. A rich man had stolen a small sheep and killed it and given it for food to a stranger.
I will close with a prayer by Allen Stockdale:
"Dear Lord of gracious mind and heart, forgive me for the unbearable ways of my arrogance and snobbishness. How unkind of me to think poorly without cause of those about me! Help me realize that a song can be lovely even though I neither wrote nor sang it. Make clear to me that all worthy thoughts did not originate in my mind; that other folk have good manners; and that when I pass away the world will not be bereft of grace."